Excel tutorial on how to use the MATCH function in Excel. The MATCH function returns a value that represents the location of a specific item within a selection. In this tutorial, we’ll first walk through the basics of how the MATCH function works and we’ll follow that with an example of the MATCH function used […]
Functions / Formulas
How to Use the CHOOSE Function in Excel – Tutorial
Excel tutorial on how to use the CHOOSE function in Excel. The CHOOSE function returns the value of an item in a list based on the order of its location when that list was added to the function. In this tutorial, we’ll look at 2 examples of the CHOOSE function: In the first example, we’ll […]
Top Reasons Why Excel Formulas Won’t Calculate & How to Fix (+ video tutorial)
Have you ever felt distressed when you’re using Excel, you type formulas in your spreadsheet and the formulas don’t calculate??? Or they don’t calculate and look more like a sentence than a formula? There could be several reasons why your Excel formulas won’t calculate. 3 Reasons Why Your Excel Formulas are Not Working Watch Tutorial: […]
How to Use IFS in Excel – Tutorial
Excel tutorial on how to use the IFS function in Excel. Available in versions of Excel 2016 or better, the IFS function works like the IF function in that it returns a value based on criteria you set. It differs from IF in that IFS doesn’t require a statement if False. Plus, hence the name, […]
How to Use the IFERROR Function in Excel (+ video tutorial)
Step-by-step tutorial on how to use the IFERROR function in Excel to customize what to display when a formula error happens. You can use the IFERROR function to display: For example, you could display a blank space or instructions on how to fix the error – rather than the default error message. How to Use […]
How to Use Subtotal in Excel – Tutorial
Excel tutorial on how to use Subtotal in Excel. We’ll use the Subtotal button, found in the Data tab, and then go over how to use the SUBTOTAL function. The SUBTOTAL function in Excel is made up of 2 things: a math calculation (in the form of a function) and the data to be subtotaled. […]